What Is the Difference Between Orthotic and Orthopedic Shoes?

What Is the Difference Between Orthotic and Orthopedic Shoes?

Whether you suffer from pain in your ankles or feet, or you’d just like a new pair of sneakers, there are many benefits of wearing orthotics. They are specially designed to correct biomechanical issues and abnormalities in gait. Because they’re made from higher-quality materials, they last for several years. However, you should consider the price…

What Brand Shoes Do Orthopedic Doctors Recommend?

What Brand Shoes Do Orthopedic Doctors Recommend?

Many people have asked, “What brand of shoes do orthopedic doctors recommend?” In the past, these shoes were typically ugly and unfashionable. However, times have changed. Today, many medical-grade shoes are stylish and more mainstream. Jacqueline Sutera, a NYC podiatric surgeon, says that there are several brands of orthopedic shoes that are suitable for patients…